The games:net Berlin Europe Podcast

The games:net Berlin Europe Podcast

Episode 14 - Herwig Egon Casadoro-Kopp

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CEO and Founder of Normalum Mixed Realities, Herwig Egon Casadoro-Kopp's fascination with the human brain and its abilities of pattern recognition and learning through meaningful stories, is highly contagious. He takes us on a wild ride through his mind and speaks of the architecture of language, the thrill of the unknown and what that has to do with games.

You can find Herwig here: Linktree

Founder & CEO of Normalum Mixed Realities

Games, Games Companies and People from the Industry: Palace (Prototype), World of Warcraft, Cyberpunk 2077, Zac McKracken, Heavy Rain, Checkers, Palmer Luckey, Nico Nonne, CD Project Red, Twitch, Quantic Dream

Other Media Herwig mentions: Frank Herbert - Dune, Neil Stephenson - Diamond Age, Stefan Zweig - The World of Yesterday, Battlestar Galactica

Other interesting stuff and people: Pattern Recognition, Garry Kasparov, Cognitive Neurosciences, Bologna, Serious Games, Open World, Cyberpunk, [Epistemology], LARP, (, Solipsism, Divination, Haruspicy, Sinology, I Ching, Richard Wilhelm, Tao, Bruce Lee


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About this podcast

On this podcast, co-hosts Simon Ohler and Florian Masuth interview interesting and inspiring people and want to learn more about their contribution to the games industry, while also shining a spotlight on the person behind the career.

games:net Berlin Europe is an initiative of the company network media:net berlinbrandenburg. The project is financed by the EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND and the State of Berlin, Senate Department of Economics, Energy, and Public Enterprises through its Program for Internationalization.

by games:net Berlin Europe


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